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Premier Li Qiang of the State Council Visited Fehorizon’s Listed Company CDHORIZON
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On July 22, member of the standing committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC and Premier of the State Council Li Qiang went to Tianjin for investigation and survey. During the trip, Premier Li Qiang visited CDHORIZON (a listed company under Fehorizon) to learn about its business layout, operation and development.

During his stay in Tianjin, Premier Li Qiang went to Binhai New Area and listened to reports on the work to deepen reform and opening up and promote high-quality development. As the first listed industrial company successfully hatched from Tianjin Dongjiang, CDHORIZON—the integrated operation service provider under Fehorizon—was an important stop of Premier Li Qiang’s trip to enterprises in Tianjin. On behalf of the Company, CDHORIZON’s Executive Director and CEO Pan Yang made a detailed introduction to Fehorizon’s comprehensive operation situation in finance and industry, as well as CDHORIZON’s business layout and development achievements in Tianjin. 

While visiting the Company, Premier Li Qiang pointed out that we must grasp the opportunity of reform, make good use of supportive policies such as large-scale equipment renewal, and vigorously support the promotion of innovative applications of AI among enterprises, so that more enterprises and products with core competitiveness can emerge one after another. Financial tools like financial leasing should be used innovatively to better serve the development of real economy.

During his investigation, Premier Li Qiang fully affirmed the achievements of Tianjin’s economic and social development, and hoped that Tianjin can fully implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions about the work of Tianjin, to overcome challenges, forge ahead with determination and constantly make new achievements in promoting high-quality development. 

Over the years, Fehorizon has been continuously expanding the scope of its cooperation with Tianjin closely surrounding the national big strategy of “Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region” coordinated development to keep reinforcing its investment and business layout in Tianjin. In the future, the Company will keep strengthening the construction of industrial services in the financial sector, take the “five great articles on technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, old-age care finance and digital finance” as the guidance, focus on the four aspects of industry excavation ability, product service ability, work quality reinforcement and supporting system ability, give full play to Fehorizon’s characteristics of “marketization, internationalization and specialization” and its role as the regional leader, strengthen its support for real economy, and better boost high-quality development of the region.

Chen Min’er and Wu Zhenglong also took part in the research trip.